If you own or manage a multi-unit dwelling with shared heating systems and/or hot water, property managers and building owners alike have a responsibility to ensure that supply remains uninterrupted for the sake of the residents. United Boiler provides expert installation, prompt repair and reliable maintenance for boiler systems in apartment buildings and condos so you and your building residents can have peace of mind knowing hot water and steam heat are always on demand.
While some modern complexes have separate HVAC and hot water heaters for each unit, many multifamily properties rely on steam heating and a common hot water treatment supply for economic reasons. In these cases, an energy-efficient steam boiler may be the best solution for the building’s boiler. Boilers serving an entire building need to be functional 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Mornings, evenings, and heating season may be peak times as residents pull hot water for cooking and bathing, putting extra high-pressure on the system. If a boiler unit goes down, the entire building suffers for it.
Boiler Services for Apartments & Condos
To help make sure you are able to provide consistent steam heat and hot water for your apartment and condo residents, United Boiler offers an array of services, including the following:
- Ongoing preventative boiler maintenance. The best-case scenario is for the boiler never to fail. We offer professional diagnostic and routine boiler inspection services to keep your boiler and steam systems running smoothly and efficiently, heading problems off at the pass.
- Design, build and installation. We can design and install steam boilers for new construction, as well as replacing an old boiler within an existing boiler room.
- 24-hour repair service. If a boiler fails, we can respond day or night to get you up and running again quickly.
- Boiler rentals. For extended repairs or replacement projects, we can draw from our fleet of rental boiler units to provide uninterrupted service during the transition to your new boiler install.
Single-family apartment and condo buildings with shared hot water can’t afford any downtime from their boiler room. Ready for quality service and fast repairs in Atlanta? Ready for quality service and fast repairs in Atlanta?